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I'm sick of being nice. So fuck it.

this fucking blew my mind. I hope you get the same reaction.

Solange for Honey Mag.
she clearly has some attitude.

Apparently Megan Fox is the IT girl: Megan Fox for NYLON.

Oh T-Pain, when will you stop the whole auto-tune thing, seriously. Although this video was pretty funny.

speaking of funny, the fucking ORBIT that she has on just makes me laugh. Especially when she sits down to play the piano. -_- please stick to the piano. all that other shit is unnecessary.

these speakers look doooope. anyone got a spare hundo lying around, if so , let's have at it.

not sure if I really like TK's but these look pretty darn hot, if I do say so my damn self.

hehe I like these, I mean if they had BOSTON on them they'd be a whole lot better, but whaddya gunna do huh?

married to the mob. I'm not usually a fan, but for some reason this Fall collection is pretty appealing.

droooool. and yes I like this jacket in yellow.

grey looks good too.

this hat is extremely sexy. if a man were to wear this.....there's no telling what would happen.
hard graft.

Robert Crumb you are a bloody genius.

I hereby demand that all restaurants that seat people in between two tables should either invest in these plates, or they should be closed down, yes closed down. I friggen hate sitting in between two tables, one because there's no room, and two your fucking plate is un-level. -_-
- excuse me miss, but my fucking gravy is getting all over my left hand , thaaaanks, dick.

This one hundred and three dollar concrete/stainless steel ring just screams buy me kibbee.

she looks extremely pissed right here. [you know you love me]

uhhhh so who's down to go with me?

keep it raw.