My Cousin Is A Marine.
Plus it kicks ass that you're the only one with a picture in the paper. I've never been so proud.
Can't wait for you to get home.
Robert Lee
Lee's grandfather, a World War II veteran, named him, "Robert Edward Lee," after the general of the Confederate army in the Civil War.
"Everyone notices (my name), especially now that I've joined the military," he said.
Like Saidnawey, Lee, 19, was looking for more excitement in his life.
"I joined for the adventure," he said. "I wanted to travel and experience new things."
In the past year, Lee has gotten his wish. He moved from boot camp to Marine combat training to his specific job training. He is now stationed in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, where he is a maintenance management specialist, taking care of equipment from Humvees and trucks to radios and guns. This summer, he will travel to Okinawa, Japan for more training before being deployed to Afghanistan next spring.
Through it all, Lee said he has learned a lot about himself.
"I've changed (as a person)," he said. "My military experience has given me discipline … and taught me to appreciate how lucky we are to live in this country."
Lee plans to attend college after serving.