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<s>1901</s> 1991.

I just realized that the lyrics were folded not fallin'.....good to know, glad I've been singing the wrong ones.

I've been waiting for a while now....hurry up.

make it stop, immediately. If they were purple I wouldn't be complaining....

when I get to real life, I'll make sure all my grocery lists are like this!


this is a solar powered trike, I think the fact that it's a tricycle makes it that much more baddass.

sticky-notes!!! I remember when everyone stopped using floppy disks and started to use flash drives. I had just bought about fifty in four different colors because I thought they were awesome. Yeah they weren't so awesome when I dropped one on the ground and as a result lost my entire book report. <--- someone's bitter, and that someone is me.

so....on a scale from 1- tool , how useful does this look....

I saw these a while ago, but forgot to post.
Kobi Levi is a G, please check out his stuff.

who knew robots were so sexy? I predict this is what porn with look like in the future, oh wait.

my mind has been blown....

awesome costume dude (o:3

self-driving car. I know I'm late. No shit it was made by Google , they run things.

I want this bathtub for my house. I'd put really cool stuff under it like...towels, and a grill, and good reading material. Perhaps some good wine.

Love this. Idk what it is about things that normally wouldn't have plants growing on the top of them, but I can't get enough.

ballerific like it's all terrific.

yum, but only if the stems are made of bacon.

I know what I want for xmas Mom. Kidding, <--- not at all though.

Jan K. I really enjoyed viewing these, please continue to make wonderful art.

Sound art is fucking amazing. I was always drawn to stuff like that.

Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life from Dentsu London on Vimeo.


93% of this chair is made from recycled material. Herman Miller , no relation. I digg these.

Black & Yellow.

I like deese.

so...there's this site that you can go and have it print out little icons of all of your Facefuck friends. 200-2200 frengs. Not really sure why you'd want that...but for those who do it's only twenty bones, go for it. So I guess that's more reason for people to look their best....die -_-
I just hope people remember this thing...called REAL LIFE. You should try it sometime. I'm the kind of person that will still be using disposable cameras/polaroids, until the last possible day on earth. I want to get all my pictures developed at some point, I like tangible photos. Sue me.

Rosario Dawson for Euro GQ

No thanks Victoria, I already have my costume.

Erase Me video.

yes.yes yes. I will sleep with you.

Banksy for The Simpsons .genius.

err......negative on the amount of Mickey D's

ha, it's true no?


well after getting back to my room last night I checked my email only to find that my only class was canceled today, so I took my ish and lefted. Woke up and didn't really accomplish much today, not that that's a new trend.

thank the Lord for mail. and thank you HBO for taking my monies, no seriously, you have no idea how excited I am for this all hallows.

keep it raw.