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workworkwork and no play makes Kibbee a dull girl.

Howdy all!
Not really gunna be that interesting, I don't have much to say, at the moment I'm just trying to get by until tmrw at 11:30. After that I'm all yours I promise.

lol "make sure that doesn't happen again". Oh Ye, you never cease to amuse me with your asshole antics, nonetheless I kinda agree with you.

Celtics @ Miami.
I really like how as soon as the buzzer hit, House was the first person to go over and congratulate Doc.
Good man, shows respect, something people these days seem to lack for one another constantly.

I love my mother with all my heart, I'd do anything for that woman.

takin' a brain break feel free to askaskask. away! And when I say ask I really mean ask/comment/agree/disagree/spark conversation/anything really.

ciao for now. keep it focused. <--- bringing it back AIM style with the obnoxious font background n shiet, don't even lie like you didn't do that.


Yep, I went there.

Update: Nuggets I really hope you guys win. Fuck a Kobe Bryant. Fuck a 26,000. I'm just waiting for a repeat of 2008, thank you come again.
Update #2: Thank you Denver.