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You Know What They Say...

Because I don't.

I've been pretty busy with escuela and such, haven't really had the time or the energy to surf ze interwebz. Nor have I had time to shoot people online or do hoodrat thangs with my friends. I guess that's the price you pay for trying to achieve a lil' sumthin sumthin on the side.

I was speaking with my Dad the other day. and it's weird that I'm starting to agree with him more and more as the years go on. I never thought I'd start to see things his way when it came to friends either, I remember when he told me that he could count his friends on one hand. I now see why. [mind you, this is the same guy who didn't believe you could play CDs in cars until recently] It's true though. Those that matter to you, you make time for them, you reciprocate.reimburse.respond to. Those that don't, won't, it's pretty simple.

I thought it was time for a change in display. Colorless <--- just the way this weather makes me feel.

just in case you guys missed the commercials. Ace told me about the Doritos one, pretty funny stuff.

I have his album and have been listening to it all week.
"you mean Talib lyrics stick to your ribs, I mean..." Gutter Rainbows Release Party.

Talib Kweli Album Listening Party On Hip Hop Nation [Part 1] from on Vimeo.

Gilbere Forte- Eyes of Veritas fuck mainstream artists. Feel the same way? give it a go.

 Liu Bolin. He's the truth, and by truth I mean the Invisible Man . I've showed you some of his stuff before, I think he's amazing.


tee hee storm troopers!

Karl Lagerfeld shoots Ye for VMAN mag. Shit is dope.

Lady Gagme. kidding. and Terry R. for SUPREME.

Speaking of Gaga I really like the colors on this cover.

Carhartt Spring.Summer 2011. Here are a few of my favorites.

I'm not really an animal print type of gal but I'll give Converse a prop or two for these.

here's some more Converse.

nonnative Rider Short Jacket. To all the men out there, buy this in black, it will do me you good.

Hoon jackets. yesyesyes.

I have a Moleskine! I was actually thinking of buying the one with connected pages, but I better start off small haha.
Moleskine - Juan Rayos

 wood wallets?!!! Maison Martin Margiela you are a G.

Liam, I see no real difference between these two, let alone any of the movies you do.
the face pose is pretty similar too, just sayin.

 ---the fuck?

Robert G. Bartholo

this building is fucking gorgeous.


just in case you forget.

add tomatoes and we're golden.



this is why Betty White is the man.



these with Bailey's and I'm ready for St. Patty's

puppy can I haz?

anyone ready for Valentine's Day? I am.


Diversitile nailed it. check him out at

MJ forever.


it's Thursday , you know what that means.


I'd rather get lilacs, any day. fuck a valentine.


agreed. I took my quiz a few days ago that was supposed to test the knowledge I retained from last years accounting and finance course [none]. Just walked in sat down, and thought of this. I passed, so that's a relief.

I need this bag.

that looks delicious, I'm in need of cake right now.

I'm getting there, don't worry.

 reasons why you should watch Modern Family [other than Sophia]

I'm back like cooked crack Sizlack.

go head.


keep it raw.ruthless.