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Is my twitter identity. I don't think it's an acceptable form of communication [neither is fb] but I'll play along with this charade.

ninja star! I went home the other day and found an origami calendar on my desk, "I fucks" <--- never again.

Have you ever had the feeling that people don't know you as well as they think they do? I get this feeling a lot. I'm pretty sure it's because I'm too private, but that's how my parents raised me. People say I come off as a tad intimidating, I swear it's my resting face <--- no smile whatsoever. I hope once people get to know me, they know I'd do anything for people I call friends. Loyalty is slacking these days, I'm hoping it makes a comeback soon, along with keeping it raw.

I nearly peed my pants reading this.
"When you make your girl cum"
you’re Like:
than you’re like: Yea. I Did That

I'm convinced that I'm nocturnal. Not to mention that I can tell what time it is [without checking] by what late night tv shows are on. I'm not entirely sure if that's a skill to have actually, now that I think about it.

6' 7' video.

I'm not even hatin' on him. Enjoy your fifteen minutes.
Wiz for Rolling Stone.

If only these were real....who am I kidding, not like I could afford that shit anyways.

Plumen 001 Light Bulb. I'm mos def. tryna light my future abode with these bad boys.

Mr. BlowJobs has found yet another way to take your monies. With the iTampon deux.
the cheapest model will run you 629.00 --fuck outta hea'
" new dual-core A5 processor for blazing fast performance and stunning graphics and now includes two cameras, a front-facing VGA camera for FaceTime® and Photo Booth®, and a rear-facing camera that captures 720p HD video, bringing the innovative FaceTime feature to iPad users for the first time. iPad 2 is available in black or white, features models that run on AT&T’s and Verizon’s 3G networks, and introduces the innovative iPad 2 Smart Cover in a range of vibrant polyurethane and rich leather colors."

J. Scott just keeps the heat coming. Invisible wings.

haha these made me laugh Mr. Scott

I want one of these really fucking bad. Got to the checkout was ABOUT to place my order, when I realized the prices are in euros...fucking American't. They're available at
Cast of Vices. Leather shopping [bodega.cornerstore] bag.

this grill looks fucking ill. I can't wait for Spring.

I'm tryna celebrate getting through another week of school, not to mention it's the last weekend before Spring Break baby.

 bench.air. self explanatory.


 the things I would do to own a pair...

I really wish they were open right now...

 When I was a kid I had so many cavities haha Thank God for baby tooths (o:3

I'm obsessed with Coke at the moment. Can't drink enough of this stuff. 

I had one of these. Not even gunna deny that shit. Whatchu know about Meerca Chase, I'll whoop that ass.

hahah if they only knew.

Snoop Dogg.

I love this movie. If you haven't seen it kindly gtfo.

Hopefully Knicks do better this season.

reasons why I love Ye.

I own em all. Currently acquiring the vinyl as well.

Ace this one's for you.

 Where the fuck can I get this inna small.

the fact that this is in Sharpie blows my mind.

dude clearly knows what's good.

brb getting air. the truth to this is hilarious.

I have no idea who you are but you are gorgeous. Plus I digg the shirt.


 and fire up the engines.

I want a small twist with chocolate sprinkles right about now. funk soul brother.

rael talk. cuz half the artists today should swallow a knife.

I'm usually opposed to tattoos that reference the size of someones manhood. This one however, appeals to me.

This is what I want my future bed to look like.


 I'm not sure what the top of the dress looks like but I really like the bottom of it.

people never do. it's the little things.

fucking America....

I hate when this shit happens.

Size 7.5 please.

keep it raw.kin