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So Long 2013.

So many things to discuss that happened this past year. Where do I start? I rang in 2013 with my best friend and college roommate in a hotel downtown. 

I may have cut a few friends early on in the year, but I definitely strengthened some old ties, while gaining new ones. 

I got a chance to learn from past mistakes (for once), and I got to do so surrounded by people I love and care about. I know for a fact that I ingested more stuff that’s detrimental to the human body this year than any of the years past, for sure. But it was all in good company and definitely in good spirits as well.

twenty-thirteen was just a short-lived ride. I closed one of the biggest chapters in my life and it still pains me to think that there won’t be another time in my life where I’m surrounded by my closest friends in such a small area. For those of you that are still in college or have yet to go, stay there forever; you’ll thank me later.

I re-branded myself, and will continue to do so for many new years to come. As I think that perfection doesn’t exist: you can always be better, do better.

I can’t say that anything particularly bad/terrible happened this year, but there are some things that I’d like to forget as well. 

twenty-thirteen, they say it’s an unlucky number and that nothing good can come out of a year whose number they don’t even put in elevators or buildings…But I quite liked it. 

With that said, bring on the new year! We’re ready.

keep it raw.