Summer Summary.
Here's a brief overview at what else I've been up to this Summer!
F1 yo!
My best friend was in town for a little bit! and I was lucky enough to see her and her mans for a hot minute.
it was my hat sister's birthday! (she's probably going to stab me for putting these up doe)
cool new SuperLux movie theaters (Chestnut Hill)
keeping fit via tennis when it's not scorching
sushi dates with Mr. Smith (o:3
Bruins Playoff Games.
New restaurant adventures! (Sinclair in Harvard Square) I ordered steamed mussels, he got poached eggs I believe? they were on the specials menu
Cambridge Brewing Company? I'm down.
girls night out; never a dull moment
Shake Shack sundaes (they really soupy as fuck)
indoor glow in the dark minigolfing (my second time...ever)
mixologist cocktails from Clio