
I was thinking the other day about space. Both mental and physical I need the two. For me, it flip flops between which one I can do without. I don't really have that much physical space in my house, which sometimes starts to get the better of my mental capacity. I feel like everyone needs their space, at some point. Whether it's for fifteen minutes everyday, or fifteen days once a year. Don't deny yourself of what you know you need. You'll just pay for it later if you do.


This whole minimalist movement towards bicycles is a little much, but I am intrigued [whole heartedly]  by the way it looks no lie. There's no chain or a drive chain!

As you guys all know, and for those who don't. I took a trip to Hawaii this past Summer to visit my cousin Robert [who's stationed there in the Marines] anyway, I think that this concept of meshing a skateboard and a surfboard together is beyond coolbeans.

One Hundred Years of dance and fashion. two kickass things that I love. How could you go wrong?

Can't afford to drive a Porsche? You can probably afford to have a few chillin in a glass though.

I personally prefer Star Wars inspired frozen water but that's just me.


hahah and that's why threadless is the shit.

My boy and I were just talking about how Canon's are clearly the superior camera, this one's for you. Shot with your future "mac" EOS 55D
Why can't NY look like this every time I go there?

The Street Aesthetic of New York City from Christian Andersen on Vimeo.

I came across this the other day. It's silicone that you can mold to protect almost every electronic device you can think of. Sugru that shit cray.

Anna W. you're beyond genius. She makes animal sculptures out of paper which is super neat-o in my book.

Tamiya makes conspiracy theory models, this blew my fucking mind. They have JFK, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe and some other ones

hahahah these are great. I mean I feel slightly bad for clipboard people, for a good I dunno minute or two. Mostly until they're out of sight really, sue me.

I though Black Tie Beach Day was an awesome day.

Gamer Commute.

hahah Ned Flanders all day.

For all those who were effected yesterday.

That's Not Your Mommy Anymore

Randy Glass your stipple method is kickass.

CONTAGION. see it.

MEA. Metropolitan Etiquette Authority.

Need I say more? these are up for auction on eBay and all proceeds go to the Michael J Fox fund to help find a cure for Parkinson's. If only they had size 6.

Jaguar CX-16. badmotherfuckingass. There's really no need to get into the logistics.

I love Samsung, and this new camera isn't any different. MV800

A roll of place mats and dinner napkins?!?!?!

Valise made this illnasty wooden laptop case. I'm not sure if it's PC compatible but I'm sure that all the hipsters will be toting this around soon enough.

elephante! [ell-eh-fahn-tee]

I need one of these. Duck Hunt anyone?

I'm definitely gunna be prepared for when it rains again and I have to walk to class. This raincoat not only protects you from the wet stuff, but it purifies it so if you're thirsty you're all set (o:3

Raincatch from Hyeona Yang on Vimeo.

that or if you prefer this here Burberry rain cape. for a good thousand dollars or so.

Postcarden. yesyesyes.yes

Andy B. this set is fantastic.

Girls on bikes. self explanatory. 

Rihanna for Armani.

Ozone Bar in HK. I know where I wanna go for my twenty-first.

Bev Shots! You can go online and order a yuge microscopic photo of your favorite drank.
one tequila two tequila three tequila floor. 

pina colada

Air Max 90 Wheat Vac Tech.

Mr. Rager tell me where you're headed.

Kid Cudi x S2A - "Mr Rager" from Surface to Air on Vimeo.

I cannot wait for the twenty first of November.

Ducati Streetfighter 848!

this is what I look like in the morning, hair and all.

damn, got em.


I'm back fools.

keep it raw.kin
Kibbee Miller

mixed gyal / life:style content / digital marketer

Back Like I Never Ever Left.


Lewis P. Miller