this cray inflatable concert dome thing in Japan. Essentially this is to protect those affected by the earthquake and the tsunami.
terry richardson x miley bein miley
rubber band banks, boom! okay so they're actually portraits...
I really need to take a trip to NYC to check out Banksy's new residency.
I can never get enough of Breaking Bad.
allah see is signs, allah see is dollah signs
this cedes video is awesome, check it.
and for all those iPhone crazies who upgraded to the 5s from the 5, lulz.
I'm actually glad I didn't know this existed while I was in college, I have the worst luck when it comes to these kinda "games" and by games, I mean Mibbee's blackout before the pregame.
this on the other hand, would have saved so many near death moments.
idk about this Jesse...idk