May Eighteenth. I remember when "Class of Two Thousand and Thirteen" seemed like the weirdest and most distant thing, a figment, a made up half-truth (kinda like the notion of leaving change when tipping via credit.debit card, is that okay? is that NOT okay?). In a month and some change I will have a piece of paper that will encompass what I've been doing with the past seventeen years of my life. This piece of paper is apparently going to help me succeed because I am in fact "nimble, prepared and smart".
So many things are rushing through my head, what kind of job to I want: do I want one that pays well, or are my overall sanity, happiness, and general regard for my fellow employees lives better things to weigh. How long can I survive off my dwindling savings? Am I going to, dare I say it, have to live at home? What's the harm in living at home, free food.laundry.maid service right? (wrong). What about grad school? Fuck grad school - for the time being, I need to reboot - Is it possible to die from stress? Am I making the right decisions? What if I fail? What's failure feel like?
If any or all of these questions have ran through your head, I just want to assure and then reassure you that you are not alone. People have been through it, and have got through it, just fine. As will you.
Steps to taking some of that unnecessary weight off:
- Make a list, on paper. None of that iPhone notepad shit (
if possible, it's always possible) write what you need to do, whether it's for one class, the meals you wanna eat that week, or things bothering you. The feeling when you cross something off the list >
- PERSPECTIVE.VANTAGE POINT.VIEW. I can't stress this point enough. Seriously people, think about your life and the "problems" you have. Odds are, you're not in constant peril looking for your next meal (because I'm assuming you didn't break into the local library to read my blog, but on the off chance..thanks!) Think about it, especially if you're like me and in your twenties. One you can read and two you're not dead, so you're pretty much winning right meow.
- Dig this, your degree is worthless. No one in their right mind is really all that impressed with a piece of paper (unless you're a doctor or something important, myself excluded). Arts degrees, hell even my "business" degree - useless. It's all about your work ethic and experience.
- If you want something, go out and fucking get it. No one is going to hand it to you (unless you have a trust fund, or your dad invented Toaster Strudels although I think they're one in the same).
- You want to make a connection? This is 2013 the internet exists, do it. You want a skill or wish you took a class? Acquire that shit.
- I'm not one for self pity, you're in control of your own destiny so get off your ass and make your own opportunities if they don't arise.The only problems you have are the ones you create yourself.
- Don't forget about all the positives you have going for you!!
- And last but not least, don't forget to have fun, relax, get loose and go outside!
Okay I refuse to call this man Snoop Lion Dogg, like that's just silly, but if you're trying that hard to end gun violence then just this once...
No Guns Allowed - Snoop Lion (ew) his daughter, and Drizzy.
Camo be errwurr at this point in time. I've always loved camo, but I can feel the dirty fucking hipster in me that's screaming "stop it, it's too mainstream now!!!!". I love Vans, I love camo, I love camo'd Vans. done and done. (although I'm not a huge fan of this line)
hahah every 90s baby needs to rest their heads on these bad boys.
I've showed you Alberto S's stuff before. Here are some outtakes from his work. (ink dropped in water, simple yet brilliant)
Since we're on the subject of colors and such. Festival of Colors was last week I believe?
Check it out.
Nike iD is seriously stepping up their game as you now have the feature of adding animal prints (on pony hair, of course, as if there's another acceptable method).
I cannot fucking wait to see this movie. I love all things Denzel Washington. His voice, his symmetrical face, his smile, I could go on...Oh and Mahky Mahk is in this too, I love their banter it seems fluid and natural.
Speaking of symmetry. check out these cray photos by S. Hagashi
I love photo realism. And these done by Nathan W. are nothing less than superb. My proverbial hat is tipped to you dear sir.
More artsy stuff!
Un Petir Monde by Kurt M.
Directions would be illnasty.
holy mother of dessert. watch this video I beg of you.
I'll leave you all on that notion, as I stuff my face with leftover dessert before class. classy I know.
keep it raw.