November Favorites! 2013.

I wanted to start doing this a while ago, but I'm just now getting around to it. I know I know, sue me. 

Thing to watch on Netflix : David Chang : The Mind of a Chef

or! if you don't have a Netflix account you can watch it fo free on here

It essentially allows you to get a first hand account on what goes on in the crazy delicious mind of David Change, owner of Momofuku in NYC.

Runner Up: Flight with the Denzel Washington. I really enjoyed this movie, I highly recommend if you want something a bit serious but with comic relief for sure. Great story, hats off really.

Artist : John Newman. 

I think this dude is awesome! Be sure to check out Tribute, his newest album.

Food :  Momofuku Ramen Bowl. 

If you're in New York, there's no excuse why you haven't had this in and around your mouth yet. No excuse. Actually, shame on you if you haven't. I said it.


Movie I Saw : 12 Years a Slave. 

Honestly, I haven't seen a movie this powerful in quite some time. It's one of those movies that makes you feel uncomfortable regardless what skin color you are. It's based on a true story, and whether or not the movie depicts every detail accurately, there is no denying the emotional truths. Solomon Northman's story is too compelling for words, and if you have any interest in seeing a film of this magnitude hurry up and do it already.

Chiwetel Ejiofor & Michael Fassbender

Article of Clothing :  Hounds tooth suit blazer from Mango.

Cocktail : Double Dog Dare from Clio in the Elliott Hotel.

this is only available on certain nights! but if you're feeling adventurous definitely go for it! note: the bartenders love a challenge that's for sure.

Read : Decoded by Jay Z

My wonderful boyfriend snagged this for me (along with tickets to the Magna Carter tour!!!) I really can't thank him enough. He knows how much I love coffee table books, and this one is a gem. It clues you in to the thought process that Sean had when he was writing, I love it!

Want/Lust : white heels

I have a similar pair in black but I've been lusting after white pumps for quite some time.

Man : JGL; Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Woman :  Scarlett Johansson

Trend :  Oxford Shirt (I'm on the hunt for the perfect one, in white)

Tip : "Never be a slave to fashion."