The Replacements.

I took a pretty long hiatus from writing my thoughts on here. I've been in a pretty weird place, I have tons and tons of drafts ready to go, but for some reason they all seemed forced and outta touch. I'm not sure if it's because of things that I've personally been going through or what; but I just didn't feel comfortable sharing here. 

I started this "blog" to be able to share my inner-most thoughts, without repercussions, and I've seemed to have lost sight of that a little, and for that I'm deeply sorry.

For most of the drafts that I've written, I'll probably end up scrapping the majority of it and just keeping the titles....

But I owe it to myself to write about everything, so expect to see more of this stuff here from now on.

"so let's get on with it"

There are people that are in your life, to help you see what you want out of it. They help you see yourself, which unfortunately may not mean that you get to end up together, and that’s okay…

There are people in your life, that get to take you for granted. They get to make all of their mistakes with you, they get to fuck up, and say all the shit that they would never say to the person that they hope to stay with for the long run, and that’s okay too…

Then there are the people that stick with you, through all the bullshit. The drunken calls, the times that you kept them on the back burner, the times you forgot their birthday or to ask how they were doing, the ones that still answered all of your texts; day or night. The ones that just wanted to be apart of the journey, and that’s better than okay…

Those are the ones that you need to focus your time on, because there will always be a plethora of the other ones, the ones that are temporary, interchangeable, dispensable, replaceable… It’s the ones that are willing to put up with your nonsense, and your antics. Those are the ones that you need to hold on to and not let go. They say that there are over seven billion people on this earth. If you’re reading this right now, on a computer/tablet/phone, you’re already excluding a great percentage of the world that you’d be able to communicate with. So please, think about that the next time you ignore a text, a “like”, a poke, an email, a comment, etc.

keep it raw.