Stop getting used to postponing the shit that you said you would get to today, to tomorrow. Because there are limited morrows.
getting used to postponing the shit that you said you would get to today, to tomorrow because there are limited morrows.
It's been almost three months since I've been out of school and still no job. My mother and father are the first ones to tell me not to get discouraged, to keep plugging away, to not take it personal. But I'll be the first one to tell both you and them, that it's quite hard not to get discouraged, to feel like giving up.
I can't even begin to count the number of jobs that I've both applied to and got rejected from. What I can say, is that each one gave me a little bit of insight as to what's to come; the type of outlook I should have.
I wake up every morning (sometimes afternoon, I know it's bad but I love to sleep) and make a list of things that need to get done, yet more often than not I only get through the ones that I know need to be completed by today instead of dedicating the time and efforts to get through the whole thing.
I usually make excuses as to why I didn't get through them all, which usually goes like this:
- "I did some of em"
- "I can just do the rest tomorrow"
- "It's not like I really needed to do them all anyway"
- you get the point here....
Not anymore. I urge you all to set goals everyday for yourself and accomplish them, all.
you never know when you're gunna go.
And although the lyrics/this post may seem a little bit morbid or off-putting. I don't mean for it to get you down. I'm just trying to shed some light on that little thing called life. Open your eyes, cuz you're missing it (o:3
keep it raw.